African Penguins play a crucial role as “indicator species,” acting as sentinels of ocean health. Their population status mirrors the overall condition of the ecosystem, reflecting any changes in environmental stability. At our organization, we proudly back the conservation, rescue, and rehabilitation efforts led by SANCCOB to safeguard these remarkable birds.
Expanding the Chick Rearing Unit:
Our team is excited to support SANCCOB Cape Town in expanding its Chick Rearing Unit. This specialized facility is globally renowned for its incubation and hand-rearing areas, where wild-origin African penguin eggs are artificially incubated and hatched. SANCCOB is the sole organization worldwide engaged in this vital work, aiming to bolster declining wild populations. On average, SANCCOB admits 500 to 600 African penguin chicks and 300 to 400 eggs annually, with numbers steadily rising due to various factors such as extreme weather events and parental abandonment. With SANCCOB’s current release rate of hand-reared chicks standing at 81%, our support is crucial in increasing the Unit’s capacity to accommodate double the number of eggs and chicks, reinforcing SANCCOB’s conservation efforts.
Rescue and Rehabilitation:
Located in the Cape Recife Nature Reserve, SANCCOB Gqeberha in the Eastern Cape braces for the seasonal influx of penguin chick admissions during the winter months. As extreme weather conditions often lead to young penguins being displaced from their nests or separated from their parents on the Algoa Bay islands, SANCCOB’s diligent team stands ready to rescue and stabilize these birds. Our support ensures that SANCCOB Gqeberha is equipped to handle the anticipated rise in admissions, covering additional expenses for fish costs, rehabilitation consumables, and veterinary care.
Together with SANCCOB, we are committed to preserving African Penguins and their vital role in maintaining oceanic ecosystems.